photo of Abhinad, one the volunteers with Gowri and the founder


Volunteering your time and skills both virtually or onsite is an incredible way to experience the heartbeat of our work. Seeing and experiencing firsthand aspects of our youth’s lives will transform you while you help in enhancing their peacebuilding potential. Whether you are a corporate team or a student interested in service hours, we have many different ways for you to get involved such as, teaching a skill, fundraising, design newsletters, translations, write ups, working with us in our office, and much more. You will also be able to acquire new skills, meet new people while putting your talents and passion to good use.

Basic requirements to be a volunteer

  1. Above 20 years of age
  2. Good verbal and written English or French skills
  3. Positive attitude
  4. High level of motivation
  5. High level of ownership, taking initiatives and self-management                                  

Be a Mentor

Inter-generational partnerships between the generations is critical to fostering learning and exchange from one generation of peacebuilders to the next. Are you interested in assisting graduates to realize their goal of starting up and running effective, relevant peacebuilding initiatives in their community?
If you have relevant skills that you would like to share with our graduates, please consider being a mentor.

Mentoring can focus on many areas from; fundraising, creating business plans, guidance in registering, team building, implementing new projects, management, PR, etc. All skills are welcome.



We believe in the power of collaboration. If you represent an organization, business, or community group that shares our mission of empowering youth, we invite you to partner with Ndabuchiseh. Together, we can amplify our impact and create meaningful change in Cameroon. Contact our team to explore partnership opportunities.